Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Great Failure of Allah and Jesus

Muslims will tend to say that Allah saved Jesus from the cross because he was a good prophet and had done nothing wrong.
But look at the consequence of this:
There are around 2 billion Christians who believe that Jesus rose from the dead.
If Allah had just publicly saved Jesus from the cross, there would be that many fewer people destined for eternal hellfire.

We Christians believe that Jesus died so that those two billion people could go to heaven.  Islam believes that Allah saving one person causes those same two billion to suffer eternally in hellfire.

How can Allah blame Christians?  We just believe what we see, or what the early Christians saw and reported to us.  Allah caused it to appear that Jesus was Crucified.

This video explains this well:

Muslim Debater Shabir Ally's Jaw Dropped with the Answer of Christian Apologist Dave Hunt

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