Thursday, December 24, 2015

Why Muslims Never lose +

Do not be surprised if the Muslims you are talking to act as if  their side wins every debate and that they are so confident that the Quran is true that it is as if they had witnessed everything it says with their own eyes.  That is quite typical.  Expect it and don't let it bother you.

Do Muslims Ask Real Questions?

Sometimes you will find Muslims asking inappropriate questions, or behaving in a way that makes you question their sincerity.  At this point it may be best to not continue discussing.  You have to decide if what you are encountering a language barrier, or something cultural, or if your time and expertise is better spent elsewhere.  You should not cast your pearls be fore the swine.  Feel free to walk away.

Muslims almost always demand a much higher standard of proof from Christianity than they do from their Muslim sources.

It is common to encounter Muslims who say they used to be Christian.  This is a way of discrediting Christianity.  Some who know more about Christianity may claim to have been elders,  youth pastors or pastors, or former Christian scholars who have seen the light.  I have heard where Muslims convert to Christianity, marry naïve Christian women, then revert back to Islam.

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