Saturday, March 21, 2015

Misinformation and lies by Yusuf Estes

This page shows various lies and disinformation by Yusuf Estes.
The last video on this page is absolutely devastating.

Can God have a Son? (Part 2 of 2) Former Christian Preacher Yusuf Estes

First of all, and, this is very important to know, that their scriptures were not revealed in the English language,

so it's very unfair to have a dialogue talking about translations of something
that you know good and well there's no way that was it was ever in English language.
So you must immediately now go back to something that you translated from.
If you go back to the Latin, if you want to talk about the Latin translations,
or the translations to English from Latin you can immediately find serious problems
even if you all the way back to the time and Jerome when he did the Latin Vulgate
because this as good-- as an historical document is a fabulous thing-- but as far as being 100 percent accurate,
uh.. the Catholic Church themselves said we would never use this as the actual reference point for the Bible,
but it is a historical document, and a great document it is; there's no doubt about it.

What does the Latin Vulgate have to do with anything????

What we wanna say here now is that the Bible
as it came in the original form
doesn't exist today. Now, that should not be evidence for somebody to give up their faith and walk away.
I don't want that;
I've seen it happen to some of the scholars.
In fact most of the scholars, when they get to that point they just give up and say okay,
I'll be a Bible Scholar but I'm not going to be a Christian anymore. And one in
of the case in points that we've talked about in some of your other programs,
for those who didn't know it, Bart uh.. Eron is his name, was a
real born again --I guess-- Christian believing in the Bible as the absolute positive Word of God
and studied at The Moody Bible Institute here in Chicago
but then when he goes off to Princeton and learns from the archaeological..
finds the real manuscripts with a hands-on application
he says none of this is the real deal anymore we've been lied to!.....

Most Scholars, when they hear what Princeton teaches, stop being Christian?????


Here David Wood shows how Yusuf Estes obfuscates on what the Quran teaches about killing Christians and Jews.

Yusuf Estes On violence and terrorism!

Yusuf Estes On violence and terrorism! 2


In this video, Yusuf Estes either does not understand the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity, or is misrepresenting it:

Does yusuf Estes know anything about Christianity?


Dr. James White produced an amazing series of eight videos about misrepresentations of the Trinity by Yusuf Estes

Yusuf Estes on the Deen Show: Part 1

Yusuf Estes on the Deen Show: Part 2

Yusuf Estes on the Deen Show: Part 3

Yusuf Estes on the Deen Show: Part 4

Yusuf Estes on the Deen Show: Part 5

Yusuf Estes on the Deen Show: Part 6

Yusuf Estes on the Deen Show: Part 7

Yusuf Estes on the Deen Show: Part 8 (Conclusion)


Yusuf Estes and the lies about embryology


This shows deliberate lies and deception by Yusuf Estes (must watch!!!):

The Deen Show Deception 2 - Yusuf Estes lies about Muhammad's marriage to Aisha

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