Sunday, October 13, 2013

Why Does God Not Just Show Himself?

All religion is bad.  It reveals a persistent ignorance about God that mankind is unable to overcome.

Is there any other area where there is such widespread ignorance and disagreement in this information age?

"Ask Allah!"
When the good reasons run out, then the appeal comes to ask Allah. 
Unfortunately this will never work because the reasons are fundamentally bad and there is nothing Allah can do to fix that.  Not even Allah can overcome bad justification without causing cognitive dissonance.  He had his chance to articulate good reasons to believe in him in the Quran, but did not do so.  Faith should not involve living with one, or (both eyes) closed.

This is similar to the appeal of Mormons to pray to God and respond to the "burning in the bosom".

Here is a question: why do we have religion at all? 
Is God playing a perverse game of hide-and seek, where those who do not find burn in hellfire?
Maybe God does not care about what people do--he just started up the world and moved on to better things.  People around the world agree on most every fact, but for the most important question of life, there is no agreement about this.

One thing I find amazing is how people can come to such different conclusions about religion.  I used to be able to attribute this to ignorance, but I have talked to some highly informed people who make religious choices that I do not understand how they find them persuasive.
So I started to wonder about the question, "Why does't God just reveal himself?"
If God want us to follow him, then why this game of hide-and seek?
How many scenarios can you construct where God cares about people and yet is so elusive?  There are very few scenarios that you can imagine that will lead to a situation like ours.
I thought about this question for a long time.
Maybe God just wants us to have faith? But presumably the meaning of life is too important for it to be so uncertain.

Muslims will often say that life is a test, but this would seem to imply that God made humans defective.  Nobody is tested just on something they don't know for sure what it is.
  Eventually it occurred to me that the answer is in the Bible, right at the start of it!

Adam and Eve were in perfect fellowship with God until they joined in Satan's rebellion, and God and man became separated at that point.  From that point on, instead of being in perfect fellowship with God, the situation turned into a rescue mission, where God worked to extricate humanity from the penalty that is falling on Satan imminently.

There must be something about our fallen situation that separates us from God.  I find the way the Bible addresses the root of the problem at the very start of the book very convincing.

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