Friday, September 6, 2013

Don't focus on Similarities +

Muslims like to focus on similarities between their religion and Christianity/Judaism.
They will often hear the term "Abrahamic faiths" when they host interfaith meetings.

The fact of the matter is that Mohammed entirely contradicts both the Old and New Testaments.
It really does not pertain to either tradition, but likes to pretend that it does.  The reason is this:

It is really hard to invent a new religion from the ground up.
If Mohammed had said that he was the first and only prophet of Allah, people would naturally want to know what Allah has been doing for the previous 10,000 years of human history so that he should be the only messenger.

So what he does instead is he wraps himself in a mantle of the tradition of the Jewish and Christian faiths then he parks himself in the same lot as those legitimate religions with many ancient writings.

Do not grant Islam any credibility through incidental similarities with Christianity or Judaism.

Muslims are taking an explicitly anti-Christian position.  They are not like (for example) Hindus or Buddhists.  Muslims actively deny the resurrection of Jesus.
One time I was talking to a Muslim who had a sort of "I have my religion and you have yours" attitude, and he was not able to give a good motivation for his belief in Islam  (although he was at a book table handing out literature).  I should have pointed out that he has taken positively expressing a conviction that the resurrection is false, and should be able to articulate why.  I did not realize this at the time, and he perhaps did not either.

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