Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Ligonier contributes to Christian response to Islam

I am excited to see that R.C Sproul and his group are helping to equip Christians to articulate their faith to Muslims.

First they recently came the statement on who Jesus is:


What would cause one ministry to propose a modernized credal statement on Christology?  I heard their official response, but there was no mention of Islam, as I recall. However, I think the statement was really motivated in large part as a response to the challenge of  Islam to the Church.

Now they have released a "one-stop shop" set of teaching in audio form called "The Cross and the Crescent" where Abdul Saleeb explains the Muslim mindset and R.C Sproul answers from the Christian perspective.

What I particularly like is that this material is accessible to lay people and, while building on what most Christians already know, and does not rely on detailed knowledge of Islam, which would soon be forgotten anyway by most people.  So much material in this space is just disparaging Islam, rather than learning to articulate the Gospel to Muslims (and to others).  The questions that Muslims raise are also asked by other people.

You can get this material at the Ligonier.org store as the "Cross and the Crescent" CD series.

Or, presumably, the series may be available somewhere on SermonAudio, along with the rest of their daily podcast, or from their Ref.net Android app.

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