This topic can come up when Muslims point to "innocent children" receiving judgement by God as evidence that the God of the Bible is not merciful.
For example, when Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed, presumably the children were died along with the adults.
Or when the flood destroyed everyone but Noah's family, that will have also included children.
You need to be comfortable with the idea that God's judgement sometimes happens on this side of life. This is regrettable. but it is good because it prevents evil from spreading and dominating.
Just be sure you are not the reason for God's judgement.
There is a fine line that separates God allowing to let evil happen on earth without bounds, God allowing sin to go unpunished, and allowing man to act with freewill.
When parents do bad things, the children can and often do reap the consequences.
Both Islam and Christianity have the stories of Sodom and Gomorrah and the flood, so Muslims have no moral high ground here.
From the perspective of Islam, there is nothing more evil than associating partners with God, such as what Christianity does by making Jesus and Mary gods. And yet Allah allowed Christianity to grow for 600 years without any judgement.
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