In my experience, the "scientific miracles in the Quran" is not the preferred way for Muslims to justify the Quran, but some Muslims try it anyway. This approach is historically fairly new, with the 1976 publication of Maurice Bucaille's book, The Bible, The Quran and Science.
Muslim: There are many scientific miracles in the Quran. Do you want to hear about them?
You: "We have that too in the Bible".
I suggest you get the topic back to the resurrection. Not many people change their mind based on this topic. I can't answer all the possible claims that Muslims can make but here are some general answers:
1. You:
The Quran says things about Christianity and Judaism that are obviously false. This already disproves your claim.
All the scientific claims in the Quran are of no use to humanity. We have been able to discover these without help from the Quran. What would have been useful would have been a detailed explanation on how Christianity changed from the Injeel that Jesus preached to the New Testament we now have.
Are you imparting modern insights into selected parts of a naïve poetic work?
Is this something that was known at the time? How do I know what was known at the time the Quran was written?
Is this coincidence?
This approach needs more careful study:
2. You: "We have that too."
Actually Christianity has a surprising amount of material like what Muslims present, but you just don't hear about it very much. Here would be the top of my list if I had to answer this challenge from Muslims.
Scientific Facts in the Bible: 100 Reasons to Believe the Bible is Supernatural in Origin by Ray Comfort.
Science and the Bible by Henry Morris.
Number in Scripture by E. W. Bullinger
Old Testament prophesies of Christ --generally
Book of Revelation as explained by Walid Shoebat, (a former Muslim) --generally.
Big claims call for big evidence.
How often does the Quran quote the Bible? Why are you quoting the Bible to prove your point when the Quran does not even quote a single verse from the Bible?
The list above would have been far beyond the computational ability of anyone at the time the Quran was written. And yet they are easy to explain to anyone who can multiply. Numbers have no language barrier. So in less than one verse Allah could have given proof of higher intelligence for all humanity.
There is a popular claim that in the Quran, the word "day" occurs 365 times, and the word for month 12 times. Is this a miracle?
First, the calendar has been studied by since before 2600 B.C, as that is when construction of Stonehenge started. This is proof that the calendar was well understood long before the Quran.
So if Uthman's compilation of the Quran really contained this number of repetitions, it is nothing anyone would get a Nobel prize for.
Also there is the issue that the lunar calendar does not have 365 days.
Some Muslims claim that a certain verse in the Quran shows the development of embryology. Again, this is not extraordinary knowledge. Humans have been cutting open animals and observing for thousands of years.
If it had not been from Allah...
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