I and the Father are one.
--John 10:30
Muslims frequently equate belief in God to Islam.
There are legitimate reasons to believe that a god created the universe and everything in it. There are also good reasons to believe that there is basically only one God. Otherwise you would look over here and see one kind of creation, say, "blue creation", and another kind over there, "pink creation", and they would be distinctly different. And of course there can't possibly be three gods as in Christianity.
Muslims will often use the argument above, then make the leap from this one god to Allah, saying that Allah means "the God".
Actually, just because you believe in one God does not make you a Muslim, because to be a Muslim you must also believe in its messenger and the Quran.
Also, Muslims like to say that they are the only religion that is not named after a person or a race of people because they say "Islam" means "submit" (sometimes they say it means "peace", which is false).
However, in reality it means to submit to "the God according to Muhammad", not any other god.
The "Shahada" (which is the standard Muslim profession of faith) inseparably mentions Mohammed alongside their one God. Muslims do not recognize as legitimate a profession of faith without Mohammed as the prophet of Allah. Further, since the Muslims do not really believe in anything except the Quran, with its one prophet, they in effect they believe in only one prophet.
Thus the older English name for Islam is "Mohammedism", and it is really a more accurate description.
Why Is Christianity named after its founder?
Muslims eagerly point out that their religion is the only one that is not named after a person or a race.
Could Islam have been brought by anyone other than Muhammad? Yes, as Muslims say that he was one of many prophets who were sent with this message.
But Christianity is not about a message, but it is about God entering his creation and paying the price for our sin. Without Jesus there is no Christianity.
What does Mohammed mean?
"Mohammed" means "Praised one"--referring to the prophet himself.
All the Old Testament prophets have a name that describes an attribute of God. For example, Joshua means God (or Yahweh) saves.
Did any of the the prophets in the Bible have names that brought glory to themselves? I don't know of any.
The "Count the prophets Game"
Muslims will say they believe in many prophets, including the prophets from the Bible. However those other prophets' writings are not well-preserved.
Sometimes it is a bit hard to get Muslims to admit they only have one prophet, so you need to specifically ask how many prophets the follow in terms of their writings.
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